Phun Phit Pham has officially been around for one whole year- perhaps the fastest year of our lives so far! We kicked things off with just an Instagram account to share our knowledge and lifestyle, hoping to inspire families beyond our immediate circle. We didn’t know what to expect, but we had big dreams of evolving from the get-go—community classes, coaching, digital resources, an app, children’s books, apparel, brand partnerships, and so much more.

But let me be real for a second: being on the content creation side of social media is HARD work. There’s a ton of time and effort that goes into networking, filming every little moment, editing videos, and crafting the perfect captions—only to watch a well-thought-out post get a couple hundred views while someone else gains 50K followers overnight. It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough and get discouraged.

However, when I look at many of those accounts, it stops there. Thousands of followers mindlessly scrolling a single page, but what we’ve built goes so much deeper. In just one year, we’ve accomplished so many things more quickly than I imagined: we launched our LLC, designed an entire website, started our blog, created and launched a full line of merchandise, gained our first private clients, filed our first trademark, and hosted multiple community classes, workshops, and support groups. All of this while juggling multiple jobs and studying for—and passing—the Neurology Certified Specialist exam. That’s a damn lot to be proud of! Plus, that’s just what we’ve fully completed so far, not counting other projects we have actively in the works, like finishing and hopefully publishing our first children’s books!

We honestly don’t know how to thank the 3.5K of you who’ve supported us on this journey so far. Huge thanks to the families who’ve trusted us in your parenting journeys. Thank you to the business owners who’ve shared their spaces with us. Thank you to all the new moms who’ve pushed through the struggle to get out of the house to join our classes. Thank you for proudly wearing Phun Phit swag and inspiring others to embrace an active and adventurous lifestyle. And a massive thank you for every like, comment, and share on Instagram that helps us reach a wider audience. I could go on and on, but before I get too emotional—THANK YOU for being here and believing in us. We can’t wait to see where the next year takes us, who we’ll meet, and what we’ll accomplish together! ❤️